Welcome to East Coast Equine Veterinary Practice
Located in Chesterfield, NJ, East Coast Equine provides leading expertise in veterinary medicine to hunters, jumpers, dressage, pleasure, and race horses. We partner with owners, riders, and trainers to ensure their horses achieve peak performance by leveraging results-proven methods in combination with advanced technology and veterinary techniques.
For the past 13 years East Coast Equine has been providing exceptional ambulatory care to horses in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, and Canada. Our ambulatory services include digital radiography, ultrasonography, endoscopy, shockwave therapy, lameness examination, intra-articular joint injections, acupuncture, and emergency medicine.
In addition, our office includes a 34 acre lay-up facility with 24 stalls, all of which are staffed by experienced professionals. East Coast Equine provides hospital care to horses recovering from minor to major surgeries, lameness rehabilitation, and general care.

East Coast Equine is a member of the American Association for Equine Practitioners (AAEP)
and the New Jersey Association.
East coast Equine features an outstanding lay-up facility located on 34 acres.
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